Monday, June 1, 2009

Final Exam (Basic)

Part 1. Written

The first half of your exam will be a written test that includes multiple choice and fill-in-the-blank questions. Be sure to turn in the sheet when you finish!

Part 2. Make a Song

For the second part of the final, please make an original song in Reason that has all of the following elements:
  • At least 4 instruments (only 1 Redrum, 1 Dr. REX)
  • Song Structure: 2 Verses, 1 Chorus and an Outro (fade out)
  • At least one FX Processor (such as a Reverb)
When you finish, please save this as your name_FinalBASIC and turn it in to the Dropoff folder.

You have a total of 1 hr., 50 minutes to complete both parts of the exam. Please budget your time accordingly.

Good Luck!!!

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