Today, I want you to concentrate on making different types of Intros. Please do the following:
- Create a 2-bar loop that uses 4 different instruments. Please include at least 1 melodic instrument (NN19/NNXT/Subtractor/Malstrom/Combinator).
- Now copy and move your regions around so that the instruments come in one at a time, every 2 bars.
- Save this beat as: (your name)_buildupintro
- In addition to your 4 instruments, also create an NNXT sampler.
- Load a patch from the FX folder (Reason Factory Soundbank>NNXT Sampler>Sound FX) and find a sound that helps to set the emotion of your song. Please no gunshots or sirens - they are PLAYED OUT.
- Start the first 4 bars of your beat with just 1 drum sound (eg. a clap, a hi hat, etc.) and an FX sound. Have all the rest of your instruments start on bar 5.
- Save this as: (your name)_FXdropintro
Turn both of your beats in to Mr. Runde.
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