Welcome back to Music Production! For the Spring Semester, we will be getting deeper into digital audio production using Propellerhead's Reason software. Working on a variety of projects, we will be learning more about of musical arrangement and composition, production techniques and multimedia applications.
The Blog
Class instruction will continue to be centered around the use of this blog (jocbeats.blogspot.com). The blog will feature lessons, informational materials and links to different media. Expect to use it every day.
Here is how grades for the class will be broken down.
60% - Projects and quizzes (daily assignments, weekly quizzes, possible homework, etc.)
20% - Final Exam
20% - Participation (class discussions, asking questions, blogging)
If you have any questions or concerns about your grade, as always, please feel free to come and talk to me before or after class. You can also email me at crunde@bavc.org.
- I expect you to treat this class like any other class. Attendance is mandatory and all school rules apply. If attendance or behavior become a problem, expect to get a phone call home.
- I expect you to complete all assigned work, quizzes and projects.
- I expect you to ask questions and participate as a member of our classroom community.
- I expect you to challenge yourself as an artist and to constantly push to make your music better.
- You can expect the instructors to listen to you and respect your opinions.
- You can expect the instructors to give you the help and advice you need to complete your assignments.
- And lastly, expect yourself to make music that you like - that's the whole point!
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