Alright, so it's been a week or so since we worked on our keyboard knowledge, but I want to get back to it for a minute so that you can expand the range of sounds you have to use when you are making your own music.
I would like to introduce you to my friend, the Minor Scale.
First, lets quickly refresh our memory of the Major Scale. Here is the formula, in case you forgot:
Now, here is the formula for the Minor Scale:
What kind of mood or emotion would you say the Minor Scale has?
Now let's see how this formula looks on an actual keyboard. Here are the notes of the C Minor Scale...
Assignment #1 - Worksheet
Fill out the worksheet that I'm handing out on the C Major/C Minor scales. You are going to be using this as reference for the other 2 assignments, so it makes sense to do it first.
Assignment #2 - C Minor
- Open a new Reason file.
- Create a Subtractor Analog Synthesizer.
- Load a sound from one of the four main categories (Bass, Monosynth, Pad, or Polysynth).
- Set the L marker on Bar 1 and the R marker on Bar 5.
- Turn on the Click (aka metronome) and set the tempo to something you can work with. Remember - the goal is to play one note on each click!
- Practice playing the C Minor scale up and down in time with the metronome: (C-D-Eb-F-G-Ab-Bb-C-C-Bb-Ab-G-F-Eb-D-C)
- When you've got it down, hit the Record button and record your performance.
- Fix any off notes by quantizing.
- Save the file to your folder as "(your name)_C Minor scale"
- Have one of the instructors check it and then turn it in to the Dropoff folder (Pickupdropoff>BAVAC>Dropoff>Period 5).
Assignment #3 - C Minor beat
- Start a new Reason file.
- Create a Redrum and make a 32-step beat.
- Put it into the Sequencer Window using Copy Pattern to Track.
- Now create a keyboard instrument (Subtractor/Malstrom/NN19/NNXT/Combinator) and load a patch into it. Please make it something where you can hear actual notes (not FX or Drums or Percussion).
- Using the C-Minor scale, find some notes that sound good with your beat. Record a melody over your drum beat. You can play the notes in any order, or any style that you want, but they have to ALL be from the C Minor scale.
- Add some more instruments and play some parts that go along with the first melody you just put down.
- Copy all your parts out so that they end on Bar 17.
- Save this as your name_CMinor beat.
- Turn it in to the Dropoff folder.
Today you're going to be working on 2nd inversion chords. I will come around and show you exactly what this is in a second, but think about it - if the 1st inversion was taking a chord and shifting it up one note, then the 2nd inversion is just shifting up two notes.
Please fill out the worksheet first. Then do the following assignment:
Create a 16 bar beat that features the A Major or A Minor chord (your choice). You are going to play the regular chord first, then the 1st inversion, then the 2nd inversion. Over those chords, record a melody that is from the same scale (A Maj/A Min). Save this as your name_2ndinversion and turn it in to the Dropoff folder.
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