The Malstrom is another kind of synthesizer, like the Subtractor is. For our purposes it even works in the same way and has all the same categories of sounds - Bass, FX, Monosynths, Pads, Polysynths, plus an extra one called Rhythmic. The difference, I would say, is that the sounds are richer and more modern sounding. The Subtractor has more of an old school sound. They're both cool, it just depends on what kind of sound you are looking for.
Your Assignment:
Working with the file you started with last time ("Blow the Whistle"), add the following elements:
Advanced- Create a Malstrom and copy (Option-drag) your Subtractor bass line to that track. Now load a sound from the Bass or Poly Synth folders that sounds good with the original bass.
- Now create a second Malstrom. Look in the Pads folder to find a sound that sounds good when you hold down a note. Record yourself playing and holding this note right at the start of the loop. What note do you think you should play?
- If you haven't done so already, create a Redrum and create a 32-step drum pattern.
- Copy and paste the different parts you have recorded to make a song that is at least 24 bars long. Try having different parts come in and out at different times. Feel free to add more instruments!
- Save this as your name_Blow the Whistle and turn it in to the Dropoff folder.
You folks should be really getting pretty far into your songs today. By the end of today I want to see your song structure taking shape - at least a definite verse section (16 bars) and a chorus section (8 bars).
If you were mainly working on drums yesterday, please stop for a while and focus on keyboard instruments today.
Here again are all the things I will expect to see in your songs by the end of class on Thursday:
- Song structure (Intro, 2 Verses, 2 Choruses, fade out)
- A chord and a note about the name of the chord.
- Basic mixing (volume and panning).
- At least 6 instruments.
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