To get the beats, go to the Pickup folder and find the folder called Collabo drums (Pickupdropoff>Runde>Pickup>Collabo drums). Now do the following:
- Find the beat of the person you're collaborating with and copy it to your folder to work on.
- Do a Save As and name this file: "(your name)_(partner name)_collabo.rns"
- Open the file and listen to the beat. What style of music is this? What kinds of sounds do you think could work with this song? Pay attention to how the song switches up at the chorus. Think about what you're going to do to match the switch up.
- Using at least 2 instruments (no Dr. Rex, no Redrums), record some melodies to go with the drums.
- Once you have the two parts recorded, copy them so you have a whole song.
- Save it and turn in a copy to the Dropoff folder.
- Have your collabo partner come listen to your slap!
To get full credit, you need:
- At least 2 original instruments (no Dr. Rex, no Redrums)
- Drums and melodies copied out for at least 3 verses and 3 choruses
- The correct file name: "(yourname)_(partnername)_collabo.rns"
Have a Happy Thanksgiving!