Monday, November 10, 2008

Basic Mixing - Fade Outs

Today we're going to practice a common technique for ending a song:  the fade out!

A fade out is just that final part of the song where everything starts to get quieter until you can't hear it anymore. It's a simple way of bringing a song to a close.

Here's your assignment:

1.  Go to the Pickupdropoff folder and find the file called Fade Out.rns.  Copy the file to your folder.
2.  Open the file and create a Redrum. Make a beat and copy it to track from Bar 1 - 25
3.  Create a Dr. Rex and put an instrument loop over your beat from Bar 1-17.
4.  Now click on the Mixer track in the Sequencer Window.
5.   Set your L marker on the 17 and the R marker on 25.
6.  Click on the Line Tool.
7.  At Bar 17, starting about half way between the 64 and 127, draw a diagonal line down to the bottom of the track at Bar 25. 
8.  Play back to hear what happens. If you don't like it, try adjusting the starting point of your fade.
9.  Save this as "(your name)_Fade Out.rns"

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