Monday, December 1, 2008

Acapella Remix - part 1

Today we're going to start a new remix project using an acapella from a famous song...

Here's what you're going to do:
  1. Go to the Pickup folder and find the file called "Tell Me_hook.wav".  Copy it to your folder.
  2. Create a new Reason file.
  3. Create an NN19 Digital Sampler.
  4. Click the Browse Sample button and load the file you just copied to your folder.
  5. Switch the Sequencer Window to Edit Mode by clicking on this button:  
  6. Use the Pencil Tool to draw in a note at C3 that goes from Bar 1 to Bar 9. It should look like this: 
  7. Switch back to Arrange Mode by clicking this button again:  
  8. Set your L Marker to Bar 1 and the R marker to Bar 9.
  9. Important!  Set the Tempo to 107 BPMs. Hit play and listen to the loop.
  10. Create a Redrum and make a 32-step beat to go under this (remember, it will probably work best if you put a snare or clap on 5 & 13!)
  11. Create a Subtractor/NN19/Malstrom/NNXT/Combinator and make a melody to go with this.
  12. Create a Dr. Rex and load a Percussion loop to go along with your drums.
  13. Save this beat to your folder as "(your name)_Tell Me.rns".
Tune in tomorrow to start working with the verses!

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