Thursday, April 30, 2009

4/30_Acapella pt.2/finish self-critiques

On Tuesday we started working on our own remixes of "Tell Me When To Go" using the acapella of the chorus (aka "hook"). Today we're going to focus on making a verse section to the song.

Please do the following:
  1. Go to the Pickup folder and find the file called "Tell Me When_Verse 1.wav". Copy it to the Documents folder where you copied the hook yesterday.
  2. Open your Reason file from yesterday.
  3. Create a new NN19 Sampler (you should have 2 now) and load this new audio file.
  4. Move your markers so that they go for 16 bars AFTER the hook. Hint: if your hook goes from Bar 1-9, then your Verse should go from Bar 9 - 25. (L marker on 9, R marker on 25).
  5. In the Sequencer, switch to Edit Mode and, use the Pencil Tool to draw in a note for this whole 16-bar section. Remember that to draw the note at C3.
  6. Now switch to a new pattern in your Redrum and make a beat to go under this section. Please make it at least a little different from yesterday's beat.
  7. Add at least one more melodic instrument (NN19/Subtractor/Malstrom/etc.)
  8. Important: Please do Song Self-Contain Settings.
  9. Save, save, save!
Please turn in all of your Self-critique materials today. Again, the three things I need from each person are:
  1. The original audio files of your songs (that you exported last week).
  2. The Self-critique Word document.
  3. The new audio files of your songs (with all changes/improvements).
If you have ALL of these items turned in, then you can have free time to work on your own music.

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