Monday, February 2, 2009

Finding notes.

Today, you have 2 goals:

1)  Finish and turn in your two Intro beats.
2)  Do the following assignment:

  1. Start a new Reason session.
  2. Create a Dr. Rex sample player.
  3. Load a drum loop into it and put it into your song for 4 bars.
  4. Now create a second Dr. Rex and load a melodic loop into it. Put it into your song over the drums (4 bars).
  5. Create a melodic instrument (NN19/Subtractor/NNXT/Malstrom) and load some a melodic sound into it - e.g piano, guitar, synthesizers, etc.
  6. Play your loop back and listen to the melody.
  7. Find 2 notes that go along with the melodic loop.
  8. Practice and record a simple melody over the loop.
  9. Save this as:  (your name)_FindNotes

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