Monday, May 18, 2009

5/18_finish Live Drums/finish DayNNight

Using the drums you laid down last time when you learned how to play a drum beat live, please put together a short song. You have the chance to easily pick up some extra credit , so I suggest you take advantage.

Your song should include:
  1. Drums for 2 verses and 2 choruses.
  2. Additional instruments (1 point of ex credit each - NOT including Redrums, Dr. Rexes, or the Run patterns on Malstrom.)
Save this as "(your name)_Live drums.rns") and put it in the BAVAC dropoff folder (Pickupdropoff>BAVAC>Dropoff>Period 5).

You folks NEED to finish up these beats and turn them in today! I have decided that the "Remake" part of the assignment is mandatory, but any original parts you add will be worth extra credit. Points will given as follows:
  1. Original Verse (up to 5 points) - include drums (2 points) and up to 3 instruments (1 point each).
  2. Original Chorus (up to 5 points) - include drums (2 points) and up to 3 instruments (1 point each).
  3. An Outro/Fadeout (2 points).
Save these as (your name)_Live Drums and turn them in.

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