Anyway, in order to get full credit, you need to include all of the following elements:
- All 3 verses and at least 3 choruses.
- At least 4 instruments (in addition to the NN19's for the vocals) with clearly different parts for the verses and choruses.
- Some kind of FX on the vocals.
- Basic mixing, including volume and panning adjustments.
- A fade out at the end of the song.
Remember to Self Contain the file before you save it. Name the file "(your name)_Tell Me When.rns" and turn it in to the Dropoff folder.
To do a fade out, do the following:
- Highlight the Mixer track in your Sequencer Window
Now decide what bars you want to do the fade out at.
- Click on the button to go to the Edit View.
Click the Envelope Button.
Click the Controllers Button and select Master Level from the menu.
Now find the bars where you want to do the fade out.
- Select the Line Tool.
Click and drag the line tool diagonally down to the right to the zero
You are going to be working on the beat from the Kid Cudi song, "Day N Night". To hear the Instrumental, click here.
Your mission is to do the following 2 things:
- As closely as you can, recreate the Intro, 1st Verse and 1st Chorus of this song exactly like the original.
- Then, at the starting with the 2nd Verse, make your own version of the beat. You can use any/all of the elements from the original, but I want you to add at least 3-4 new instruments. Make a 2nd Verse, a 2nd Chorus, and an Outro/Fade Out.
- Tempo - what is the pace of this song? Tip: listen to the clap. That should be your main point of reference.
- The Instruments - for most of the song, there are only 4-5 instruments playing. Try to break them down and find ones that are close to the original.
- FX - do you hear any kinds of FX happening on any of the instruments? Which ones? How much (Wet/Dry)?
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