Thursday, March 19, 2009

3/19_Malstrom pt.2/Full Songs DUE!


Today I want you to get deeper into working with the Malstrom and finding the kinds of sounds that you like in it. I also want you to start looking for sounds in the NNXT Sampler.

For your assignment today, please do the following:
  1. Look in the Pickup folder and find the file called Boulevard loop.rns and copy it to your folder. (It's a big file, so it might take a minute.
  2. Open the file and hit SPACEBAR to listen to the loop I've given you.
  3. Create a Redrum and make a 32-step drum beat that goes with this loop. Put it into your Sequencer Window.
  4. Now Create a Malstrom Graintable Synthesizer.
  5. Look in the Bass folder and find an instrument that you think goes with the loop.
  6. Come up with a bassline and record it. HINT:  This loop is in the key of G Minor.  The main notes being played are G, Bb, F and C.
  7. Once you've got something you like, use the Pencil Tool to draw a region from Bar 1 - Bar 5 of your Malstrom track.
  8. Use Option-drag to copy the drums, the loop and the Malstrom so that they end on Bar 17.
  9. Now move your loop markers so the the L is on Bar 9 and the R is on Bar 17.
  10. Create an NNXT Sampler.
  11. Browse through the sounds in the NNXT's folder and find one that you think goes with this loop (suggestions: strings, brass, etc.)
  12.  Come up with a melody and play it in the section from Bar 9 - Bar 17.
  13. Save this to your folder as your name_Boulevard and turn it in to the Dropoff folder.


You folks have your assignment due at the end of the period. Please make sure you have all the necessary elements:

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