Your priorities for today are as follows:
- Finish and turn in the Major Scale assignment from yesterday (3/2).
- Finish and turn in all missing assignments.
- Do the Extra Credit assignment below.
- Start a new Reason file.
- Create a Redrum drum machine and make a short (4-8 bar) beat. Put it into your Sequencer Window using Copy Pattern to Track.
- Create an NN19 or Subtractor and load a sound that you like into it.
- Using your Keyboard Worksheet, check out what the notes of the D or G Major scale are.
- Come up with a melody that only uses notes from this scale and record it into the Sequencer Window.
- Try to add a 2nd instrument (NN19/Subtractor/etc.) and use notes from the same scale to add another melodic part.
- Save this as your name_MajorExCred and turn it in to the Dropoff folder (Pickupdropoff>BAVAC>Dropoff>Period 5).
Your priorities should be as follows:
- Turn in all missing work
- Finish and turn in the interval assignment from yesterday (3/2).
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