Monday, October 20, 2008

Dr. Rex Remix

Today we're going to continue working with the Dr. Rex to make a remix of a song that uses a famous sample. First, let's learn a new function available on the Dr. Rex, pitch change.

Changing pitch is pretty easy. You basically just change the note in this part of the Dr Rex:

What you will hear is the sample playing in a lower or higher pitch, but at the same speed. This means that you can take a sample and then adjust it so that it is in the same key as the rest of your song.

So today, you are going to make a remix that uses a sample from a Michael Jackson song, PYT. Have you heard this sample used in any other songs?
  1. Copy the sample to your folder. Get it at: Pickupdropoff>Runde>Period5>PYT.rx2
  2. Open Reason and Create a Dr Rex loop player
  3. Load PYT.rx2 into the Dr Rex
  4. Lower the tempo to 100 BPMs
  5. Change the note on the Dr Rex to Bflat
  6. Put the L marker on Bar 1 and the R marker on Bar 5.
  7. Click the To Track button on the Dr.Rex.
  8. Create a Redrum and make a beat to go under it.
  9. Create a Malstrom or Subtractor and load an instrument that sounds good with the sample.
  10. Play notes until you find the one that matches up with the very first part of the sample. Now you know what key the song is in! Do you think this song uses the Major or Minor scale?
  11. Find some notes that go along with the sample and record a melody.
  12. Save your file as "(your name)_Good Life.rns" and put a copy in the Dropoff folder (Pickupdropoff>Runde>Dropoff>Period 5).

If you are stuck on what to play, here are a few tips...

  • Remember that the easiest way to figure out notes that work are to figure out the steps of the scale you're working with:
    • Major Scale: W-W-H-W-W-W-H
    • Minor Scale: W-H-W-W-H-W-W
  • Listen to what Kanye is playing in the song...He is playing the same notes as the chipmunk singing part. The notes are: E-D-E-A-C-E-D.
  • A good Subtractor sound is a Mono Synth patch called Detune Lead.zyp.

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