Friday, October 10, 2008

Original Beat Assignment - 10/10

Today, instead of a quiz, you are going to work on creating an original beat where you will apply the things we have been learned so far. Here is what you need to do...

  1. First, spend 15 min. creating a 32-step drum pattern with the Redrum.
  2. Pick a scale that you want to work with (Major/Minor) and the key that you want that scale to start with. Write out the notes of the scale on a piece of paper.
  3. Using just 3-4 notes from the scale you picked, create an original bass line using a Malstrom or Subtractor synthesizer.
  4. Create one more instrument (NN19, Subtractor or Malstrom) and add at least a few more notes to go with the bass.
When you have finished, save your beat as "(your name)_original beat.rns" and have Mr. Runde save it to his jump drive.

Have a great long weekend!

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