Thursday, October 30, 2008

Song Structure (part 3) - The Bridge

So today is the last day for us to finish up our projects. Remember, that to get full credit, you must have these elements:

  1. A basic song structure including an Intro, Verses (at least 2), and Choruses (at least 2)
  2. At least 6 different instruments (only 1 Dr. Rex!)

Now, if you have all the requirements met and want to try to pick up some extra credit, you can add in a PreChorus, which we discussed on Tuesday, or a Bridge...

A Bridge is a musical/lyrical change in a song that comes in after a couple of verses and choruses. Its purpose is to switch things up for the listener and keep things from getting too repetitive. A bridge is typically 8 bars long.

So, before I let you get back to working on your songs, let's listen to the song, "The Instrumental" by Lupe Fiasco and analyze the structure. Besides counting the numbers of verses and choruses, I want you to try to pick out where the bridge comes in...

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