Thursday, October 9, 2008

Makeup Day

Due to the EXTREME number of absences in this first marking period and the low grades that some students currently have, I have decided to give folks a chance to make up quizzes that have not been turned in. Everyone will be receiving a piece of paper that shows their current grade in the class and the quizzes that I have not received from that person. 

Today is your chance to make up any work for *FULL CREDIT*. As always, you are also welcome to come in during lunch at any point in the term to make up quizzes/classwork, but I will take off two points unless you had an excused absence. Today that rule will not apply, so please take advantage of it.

If you finish all your work, you can ask Mr. Runde for a keyboard and headphones. You may then do one of the following:
  1. Finish your "Blow the Whistle" remix.
  2. Work on your own original music in Reason.
  3. Explore Garageband and see how that program is different from Reason.
As always, you may not surf the internet, listen to other music, talk with your friends, or text. Please use the time productively to raise your grade and make good music!

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