Friday, September 12, 2008

Quiz 9/12

Super easy quiz today.

You are going to make me a beat that has
2 different 32-step patterns in the Sequencer Window.
For this quiz, please do the following:

  1. Copy the Reason file called "Quiz 9-12.rns" to your folder. You can find it in the Pickupdropoff folder or get it from Mr. Runde.
  2. Open the file and listen to the piano melody.
  3. Create a Redrum Drum Machine.
  4. Make a 2-bar (32 step) beat to go with the piano melody. Copy the pattern into the Sequencer window.
  5. Copy both the drum beat and the piano melody so that they end on Bar 9.
  6. Create a second 32-step drum beat on Pattern 2 in the Redrum.
  7. Copy that into the Sequencer starting at Bar 9 and ending at Bar 11.
  8. Now Copy the piano melody one more time so that it starts on Bar 11.
  9. Copy your first beat so that it goes with the piano melody to the end (starts on Bar 11, ends on Bar 15.)The final song should look something like this:
  10. Go to File>Save As and change the name of the file to (your name)_Quiz 9-12.rns.
  11. Turn put a copy of the file in the pickupdropoff folder or turn it in to Mr. Runde.
  12. Have yourself a lovely weekend!

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